
Friends of Foil Drive, people who genuinely love Foil Drive and are actively out in their communities sharing their journey and proudly reflect our brand as Ambassadors. You can check out our Team Riders here or learn more about our team here.

Mat Mckinnon

Better known as The Sandy Foiler, Mat is based in Sandy Beach, NSW and is a passionate foil surfer. With experience riding all kinds of foils, both electric and traditional, he is always keen to share his stoke and bring you along for the ride through his socials!

Follow Mat

Victor Harris

Victor is super active in the Foil Drive community and was one of the first to push the boundaries of small boards in flat water conditions, getting down to a 15L pump board, and now regularly riding the AXIS 899 pump foiling onto tiny 1 foot swell back home in Dubai. Victor's journey is nothing short of inspiring, click below to check out our podcast episode with him!

Meet Victor

Mike Zed

Mike embodies everything and anything electric when it comes to foiling! With an incredible following on YouTube, Mike is well known for his reviews over on his channel JetSurfing Nation. Mike found the light weight design of Foil Drive was unmatched and, while he still loves to review anything electric, absolutely loves his Foil Drive! Click below to listen/watch our podcast with Mike!

Meet Mike

Jeremy Wilmotte

Jez has been part of the FD fam for a while now, testing everything we throw at him and introducing the idea of family foiling. Having taught most of the fam to foil with Foil Drive now, we're stoked to be making these memories with Jez!



Find him in fluro, riding Axis and hanging out with the crew at Fin & Foil in Florida! Nick chases the wind and waves and when he's not out foiling himself, he's out teaching others with Foil Drive!


Mark Sykes

Local Ledged and total frother, Sykesy is the go to guy when you want a killer session, full of stoke and some killer riding! If an endless battery and anti-fatigue body existed, we don't think Mark would ever come out of the water!

While you won't see much of Mark online he does feature in a lot of our content, just look for the biggest smile on the water.

Andrea Di Paola

You may have seen some fresh Foil Drive content getting around in Italian, this is the man himself, otherwise known as Infoilencer on Instagram.


Scott MCcluskey

Another Foil Drive local, find Scotty in the surf, downwinding or testing out the latest gear! A great competitor, Scotty is often out and about Aussie events and is a super talented foiler.

David Fox

David is another original Foildriver from San Francisco who has seen every upgrade to Foil Drive since day one! From the Assist, to the Assist PLUS, David joined us at AWSI and is stoked on Gen2 Foil Drive!s

David DeVeris

David has been a Foil Drive customer for some time now! Originally based in the Philippines, David is now in the US and has one goal, to get as many people exposed, and keen on foiling as possible! Joining us this year at AWSI, David is a great Foil Drive advocate who anyone would be lucky to run into at the beach!

Devon Manz

The original Wake Thief, Devon, has offered great insight into the world of Wake Thieving and how Foil Drive could be used in this scene! We're stoked to get Gen2 to Devon to see what he can get up to!

Follow Devon

Mario Hurts

A man of many talents, Mario has his own style, one that is always entertaining and every inspiring! Catch him on the Gold Coast, always up to something fun!

Follow Mario

Peter Lovett

Basic in Melbourne, Peter has been a Foil Drive supporter since Assist days, always up to talk Foil Drive, and foiling in general!

Jet Kleinig

Jet is a local here in Adelaide and wanted to learn a new skill, taking the bulls by the horn, we jumped on a Foil Drive and documented the process to share!

Watch Now

... and that's just the start!

While we've captured our Team and our Team Riders, we have so many Friends of Foil Drive we can't wait for you to meet. Absolute frothers, Ambassadors and members of the Foil Drive Community who live and breathe Foil Drive!

To the Foil Drive Family not yet on this page, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you... We'll be updating soon!

We'll also be bringing you Rider Profiles where you can read up on what everyone, including our team, rides and their specs!